Congratulations to the East Ridge Symphony Orchestra for being selected to perform at the 2024 MMEA Minnesota Music Educators Mid-Winter Conference at the Minneapolis Convention Center. This honor is the result of an audition recording and application submitted by the students of the 2022-23 Symphony Orchestra. The ERHS Symphony Orchestra will perform at 3:30 pm on Thursday, February 15th, 2024.
Congratulations to the East Ridge Symphony Orchestra for being selected to perform at the 2024 MMEA Minnesota Music Educators Mid-Winter Conference at the Minneapolis Convention Center. This honor is the result of an audition recording and application submitted by the students of the 2022-23 Symphony Orchestra. The ERHS Symphony Orchestra will perform at 3:30 pm on Thursday, February 15th, 2024.
Needed Supplies for the 2023-24 School Year
General Class Supplies
- Instrument of appropriate SIZE and QUALITY for performance in a high school orchestra in protective case (please contact instructor if you need a school rental OR suggestions for upgrading your instrument)
- Instrument Accessories (Rockstop-Cello/Bass, Shoulder Rest-Violin/Viola, Dampit for humidity in winter months, rosin, extra strings (violinists should ALWAYS carry an extra "E" string)
- Black 1" 3-ring binder
- Pencil
- 3 Boxes of Kleenex OR 1 ream of WHITE copy paper (donation to classroom)
- Students should also have their chromebook each day in class, as sight-reading materials and method books will be posted online to avoid excess printing.
Concert Apparel
- Symphony Orchestra members will be given a school-owned concert uniform (dress or tuxedo) to be worn for all concerts. Musicians must have appropriate black dress shoes to wear with uniform (no athletic shoes will be allowed on stage!). In lieu of a rental fee, students are responsible for hemming dresses/pants as needed. **We are currently discussing having students purchase white dress shirts to wear with school owned tuxedos. Please check back for a link to purchase.
- String and Concert Orchestra-All black, professional apparel for concert. Please, no short skirts and shirts should be 3/4 length sleeve or longer.